Saturday, April 21, 2012

FSBL Awards Picnic - 29 April

Talofa all,

It's time for our end of year function! 

We have reserved Castle Park on the base (click here for map from the bowling center to the park) for Sunday, 29th April.

In consideration of our church going members, we will start at 2pm but you are welcome to come earlier and make use of the facilities (volleyball court, fields, pavilions & fishing) since we have the park for the entire day. The forecast for the 29th is 71F with a 10% chance of precipitation.

There will be a potluck lunch, an awards presentation and our closing meeting where we will elect league officers for the 2012-13 season.

If you intend to go fishing, here are some guidelines from the Fort Belvoir's website: Anyone 16 years of older is required to have a VA State Fresh Water Fishing License. They can be purchased at the Home and Garden PX on Post (13th and Middleton Rd), or on line at or

As mentioned above, the lunch will be potluck style. Please bring your favorite dish/plate to share with everyone. The league will provide the tablecloths, paper plates & cups, utensils, some soft drinks, water and some meats for the BBQ. Willie & Karen Peters have graciously volunteered to provide the grill but we will need a few other volunteers to provide some large coolers & ice to keep the beverages chilled. If you have a cooler, please bring it along.

Speaking of beverages, as the FSBL is a family friendly league, we will not be providing alcoholic beverages but you are welcome to BYO.

If you would like to invite some guests, please feel free to do so, especially if you think they might be interested in joining the league next season. Yes, our recruitment push for next season begins next Sunday!

One last note, the FSBL will get $100 back from the base if we leave the park in a clean condition before we leave. We humbly ask that everyone pitches in towards the cleanup effort before they leave for the day.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon. Let us know if you have any questions.


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